Love sales, hate queuing! Survey reveals that UK women are turning to the internet for stress-free retail therapy
It’s difficult to avoid the lure of the high street sale, but modern consumers are finding alternative ways to satisfy their need to nab a bargain.
That’s according to a survey of 2000 UK women conducted by – a Sales Alert site that monitors all the top retailers in the UK and notifies its users when their favourite items drop in price.
It found that despite 63% of UK women saying they love saving money in sales, 74% are fed up of trekking round shops during busy sale periods.
When asked for reasons why, 70% say they hate the queues and crowds. 68% blame their outrage on having to sort through messy piles of sale items and 58% are frustrated at not being able to find their size.
But there’s a problem. 75% of women confess that they “love” shopping, 25% say they are addicted and 92% of those who enjoy a bit of retail therapy say it cheers them up after a bad day at work.
And the lure of the sale is strong. 41% say that braving a sale allows them to buy something they couldn’t otherwise afford. Half confess that they love the thought of getting a bargain and a quarter enjoy finding an unusual item they wouldn’t otherwise have looked for.
36% of women admit their frustration at paying full price for an item they then see on sale and for 35% seeing a full priced item they like reduced is a clear cue to buy.
“Most women can associate with that strange mix of stress and excitement during sales, but traipsing around busy shops with 2.4 kids in tow isn’t something many would say is fun” said Keir McConomy, Founder of “But increasingly we’re seeing a shift in shopping habits that satisfies the need to find a bargain without the added frustration.”
What’s the solution? Shop online.
59% of respondents now monitor items online, usually to make sure they get the best price, and over a third are monitoring two or more items at once.
50% of respondents who named clothes or handbags as one of their favourite things to buy also stated that they now prefer to buy them online.
By doing so women are also able to make more informed purchases. 51% admit that after opting to “keep an eye” on an item and mull over a purchase they will change their mind.
“It’s interesting that we’re seeing a shift in shopping habits in the modern day. What were traditionally ‘must-see’ items, those that you’d like to try on and get a proper feel for, are no longer solely the realm of the high street store” said Keir. “These sorts of products are getting a significant amount of online interest, and one of the reasons why could be that it allows women to make informed decisions in their own time without the traditional hassle of the retail jungle.”
With 45% of women admitting they get a real buzz from buying new clothes, shoes or accessories and 51% saying that if they see something they like they think about it constantly, shopping and sales look set to continue to walk hand in hand, but in the future it may only be through the comfort of your own home.

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