Parker Software announces record financial growth for 2014/15
Staffordshire success story reveals healthy profits and plans for expansion
Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom, 24th November 2015: Digital engagement specialist Parker Software has announced record growth over the last year, with increased demand driving 45% growth year on year, £2.9m turnover and a 35% increase in profits.

“The demand for digital communication solutions has allowed us to expand rapidly and dramatically increase the breath and coverage of our products and services” said Howard Williams, Marketing Director at Parker Software. “We’re delighted to place record figures for the last 12 months but this is just the beginning – our aim is to continue to grow the business and build on this success.”
Originally Parker Technologies, a small software house in Stanley Street, Tunstall, Parker Software emerged in 2002 with WhosOn, a simple website analysis tool that tracked website visitors. Over the next decade it would establish a range of products and services, transforming digital engagement for businesses and becoming a leading provider of live chat. Its goal is to become the #1 provider of live chat software for medium and enterprise level customers in the UK.
“Reinvesting our profits was always a key strategy, and we’ve already put plans in place for expansion in the UK and Europe over the next year” Howard continued. “For a company that started in a small, one-room office all those years ago, everyone at Parker Software is very excited about what lies ahead.”
Parker Software plans to open a new sales office in Manchester by the end of the year, with a further office in Europe by the middle of 2016.
• Further information about Parker Software can be accessed online here:
About Parker Software

Parker Software develops technology that brings businesses closer to their customers. Inspired by a differentiated vision for the future, its software aims to join the dots of digital communication.
The company was founded in 2003 and became an early instigator of the real-time communication revolution – namely via its flagship live chat software, WhosOn. Since then, Parker Software has expanded across Europe and the USA, building a global client base and helping 10,000 businesses in 100 countries gain control over their digital spend.
Behind this global expansion is ongoing investment in innovation. As Parker Software has grown, it has built a far-reaching suite of solutions focused around digital engagement, sales enablement and business process automation. This suite takes a cohesive single platform approach, synchronising a multitude of digital channels to drive operational efficiency. With a full range of services that include onsite training and consultation for bespoke and custom builds, Parker Software has the skills, experience and dedication to transform online businesses.
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